Healthy happenings
Trending health and wellness topics simply stated
9/11 is Never Forgotten Because It’s Met With Love
We might not remember feeling love 23 years ago today. And we do remember witnessing love as an action. We remember the great selfless sacrifices of the fallen heroes, the innocent victims and all who are still suffering and mourn. We continue to ride the waves of...
‘You May Say I’m a Dreamer. But I’m Not the Only One.’ ~John Lennon
‘Imagine’ is still my favorite all-time song. Its lyrics speak volumes to me even more now than when I first heard it in the 70s. Its message of unity and peace is timelessly relevant. On a regular basis, I’ll continue to share thought- and wellness-provoking snippets...
Sick and Tired of Leftovers? Add Some Mustard
What are these leftovers that get left-under? These are the defining moments of trauma. But trauma and all of its gore doesn’t have to define us. At the root of physical, mental, soul-sucking and spiritual zapping pain often remains an insult, a wound, a gash, a...
Enhanced Mind-Body Connection = Favorable Cardiometabolic Risk Profile
In this same breath, it makes sense to discuss how fasting can offer spiritual remedy during any crisis. I can offer with reliability accounts that abstinence from a high volume of food by limiting some food choices to complete void of eating can be chosen, as...
If Only I’d Have Known Then What I Know Now
If you’re ready for a deeper dive - and knowing what you know now - and if you had a magic ball and knew what happened to you would happen, ask yourself “What would I say to the me who was 10 or 15 years younger?” Looking for more? Peruse Chapter 15: Conquer...
14 Steps to Tap Into Your Inner Cupid for Better Health ~ Valentine’s 2024 Hiking Edition
We’re able to soothe our nervous system, lower our blood sugar and blood pressure levels – to replenish our bodies, minds, souls and spirits even amidst any current event headlines. What does your restoration encounter look like? Let’s try a brisk February hike. Here...