In this same breath, it makes sense to discuss how fasting can offer spiritual remedy during any crisis. I can offer with reliability accounts that abstinence from a high volume of food by limiting some food choices to complete void of eating can be chosen, as warranted, to be a deep soulful and spiritual cleanse. When coupled with intended scripts or mantras, it’s downright healing. I’ve practiced solo as well as with fellow Jews, Christians, and Muslims, alike. In my experience, I’ve never had anything short of an enlightening and remarkable encounter. In fact, people who practice mind-body connection activities have a favorable cardiometabolic risk profile when compared to those who don’t partake in self-prayer, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation or other forms. Benefits may include a lower body mass index, blood pressure, and fasting blood levels of cholesterol, triglyercides, and glucose[1]. Now that’s reason to unroll some mats out and face to the East.

Looking for more? Peruse Chapter 3: Collage of Crushing Events of ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Dr. Jaime L. Pula is the author of her best-selling book titled, ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’ She can be reached at And she enjoys connecting on LI at:

[1] Younge, J.O., Leening, M.J.G., Tiemeier, H., et. al.  (2015).  Association between mind-body practice and cardiometabolic risk factors: the Rotterdam study.  Psychosom Med, 77(7):775-83.  doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000213.