What are these leftovers that get left-under? These are the defining moments of trauma. But trauma and all of its gore doesn’t have to define us. At the root of physical, mental, soul-sucking and spiritual zapping pain often remains an insult, a wound, a gash, a gaping hole hidden and left void. A void that feels like no amount of re-filling could mend, be resown or recovered. This is not a truth. There’s a lie that’s been told. These lies flood the brain where uncontrolled thought patterns, emotional wrecks, and sinful flesh can probably and more likely than we’d like to admit repeat insult to existing injury. But there’s a cure. And it starts with your identity. There is a wicked thief. This thief needs to be revealed and convicted. Just by acknowledging its existence, attacks can stop. The thief comes to steal, destroy and kill. The thief comes to rob you of your identity. These traumatic moments in time need to be re-defined, if you choose to move through them. It is possible that the tragic events that the enemy has tried to use to take away your path to heightened SPICE or spirituality, peace, inner calm, and energy can be re-defined, and you can be restored and renewed. This is a universal hope. And it’s going to take grace or a softening of the heart. The good news is all you need is a mustard seed of faith to let the oozing stop, patch up the gaps, and grow into a new creature, a new creation. When you’re afraid of, meet it with faith. Mantra (again): Faith over fear.

Looking for more? Peruse Chapter 4: Redefining Moments of ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’

Photo by Avinash Kumar on Unsplash

Dr. Jaime L. Pula is the author of her best-selling book titled, ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’ She can be reached at jpula@artofhealthsciences.life. And she enjoys connecting on LI at: www.linkedin.com/in/drjaimelpula001/.