A prescription for Healing Time. Everyone’s Healing Time might look different but there are some basic ingredients that can make it super effective. Let’s explore what guided imagery can do for you. In a world where we cannot control much, we still can plan for the best. The below exercise is one way (of many ways!) to practice what might work best for you.

It’s always the perfect time to relax with guided imagery. This art encompasses the concept that we are human beings, not human doings. Imagine that your trauma could be contained in a big balloon of your chosen color. The bigger the dilemma, the more air that fills the balloon. It could be a slow rise in inflation or an immediate blast of air. Nonetheless, the quicker you take a pin and pop your balloon of troubles, the quicker the release of compounding energy. Would you let it go, in an instance? Can you develop the practice of popping the balloon faster? Let. It. Go.

Dr. Jaime L. Pula is the author of her newly released book titled, ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’ She can be reached at jpula@artofhealthsciences.life. And she enjoys connecting on LI at: www.linkedin.com/in/drjaimelpula001/.