Because ‘life happens’ it’s important to better understand what tools work best for what tasks. And because we all need to eat to live, let’s use a food analogy. I mean, you wouldn’t eat soup with a knife, right? Well, maybe (if you’re like me!) you’d try a fork, if you didn’t have a spoon. Or you’d prefer chopsticks?

When most of us hear or think of the word ‘rep’, we either think of a ‘representative’ (like for a business) or a ‘repetition’ (like in a workout.) Or how many spoonfuls of soup would it take to get to the bottom of this bowl?

Let’s use and explore ‘rep’ in the form of an acronym for: Realization. Evolution. Practice.

Realization = The heightened awareness of your current physical and mental health status.

Evolution = The grit to keep moving forward.

Practice = The commitment to apply and exercise empowering ways – as the key to running a healthy business!

How do you ensure your business is properly equipped to get and maintain what it needs the most? Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How can I enrich my design strategy – to ensure I’ve got the right tools to stay on course?
  2. Do I know how-to use all of my tools? If not, who might help?

Photo by Henrique Félix on Unsplash

Dr. Jaime L. Pula is the author of her newly released book titled, “Rise Above: A Playbook On How to Keep Energy Flowing.” She can be reached at And she enjoys connecting on LI at: