We can compartmentalize three worlds or realms. There is the external world where there’s no difference in space and time. There is the physical world, the way we interpret everyday living with material objects. And there is the inner world, which involves our psyches and mental health. Within this theoretical construct, we can offer a healthy debate that not one of these worlds is more or less intangible or elusive than the other. We may state all three worlds ultimately dissolve, disappearing into an unknown and unknowable realm[1]. Yet they’re all connected. Even if unexplained, at the present moment.

Despite this surpassing our understanding, for now, there are scientists with their own unique set of talents and gifts that remain committed to cracking the code for quantum entanglement and interpreting its mechanics. In other words, just because we don’t ‘get it,’ doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Isn’t that the premise or basis of faith? Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. might have said it best, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”  There remains hope because a booming area of research and development continues whereby these geniuses are studying photons, neutrinos, electrons, and molecules as big as buckyballs and as small as diamonds to better explain it all. Now, those are some diamonds in the rough.

Looking for more? Peruse Chapter 4: Redefining Moments of ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’

Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash

Dr. Jaime L. Pula is the author of her newly released book titled, ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’ She can be reached at jpula@artofhealthsciences.life. And she enjoys connecting on LI at: www.linkedin.com/in/drjaimelpula001/.

[1] Berger, L.S. (2001). Psychotherapy, biological psychiatry, and the nature of matter: a view from physics. Am J Psychother, 55(2):185-201. doi: 10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.2001.55.2.185.