With each step entering deeper into the forest, you can be invited into the same world all of our ancestors knew how to thrive in. Bending down to touch the water, or even a mushroom can remind us of our hunter and gatherer family who came before us. Skip a stone across and watch the rippling effect made by the transformation of your inner energy. Spending more and more time in this biodiverse world not only gave insight and wisdom on how to tend to our inner nature, the spirit, it also keeps you well-connected to symbiotic relationships amongst creatures like trees, plants, animals, insects and what it means to be needed and how to protect and keep one another safe from harm.
Want a deeper dive? Check out Chapter 14: Energy Flowriding of ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’
Photo by Benjamin Balázs on Unsplash
Dr. Jaime L. Pula is the author of her newly released book titled, ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’ She can be reached at jpula@artofhealthsciences.life. And she enjoys connecting on LI at: www.linkedin.com/in/drjaimelpula001/.