Ever Play Mad Libs?: Fill In This Blank

Ever Play Mad Libs?: Fill In This Blank

There’s not one human who hasn’t been directly or indirectly affected by mental health conditions during the pandemic. Yet we all operate of our own free will. If you have a family history, you may or may not be more prone to mental health setbacks. But be reminded,...
Anti-Fragile Ways

Anti-Fragile Ways

“Cardinals appear when angels are near.” ~Victoria McGovern, American poet Did you know over 660 species of songbirds are known to have female song, but we only have 200 of them recorded? And for another 3,500 species we don’t even know if female song exists! The...
Mission: To Be A Well-Human-Being

Mission: To Be A Well-Human-Being

Mission: To Be A Well-Human-Being From a clinical standpoint, Americans still have challenges in recognizing if we’re doing ‘well.’ It has been recently observed and supported with a poll, many people don’t know if they’re coughing because they didn’t drink enough...