No Two Losses Are The Same

No Two Losses Are The Same

And no two people suffer and grieve the same over the losses. Like ocean waves, grief can have a high or a low tide and is mostly unexpected. Yet just as surprising is the strength, power and light that can be found through the toughest of times. Again, there is...
Open To Fear = Closed To Stress

Open To Fear = Closed To Stress

Getting and staying open to fear is key. Resist closing down. Keep the pain moving. Choose to free yourself from anguish. You might feel it for a few moments, to a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or even years. But whatever you do, don’t shut it down. When you...
How-To Meet Fears With Faith

How-To Meet Fears With Faith

In no special order, I would like to offer to you my collage of trauma. And I’m pleased to share for the majority of it, I’ve arrived at a place of healing where my spiritual energy is able to continuously flow and I’m able to serve as the Daughter of the Most High,...