According to Einstein’s Parable of Quantum Insanity, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”[1] If this leaning into emotions hasn’t been your norm, now might be the time to reconsider the overall strategy for healthy outcomes. Whether it’s a slight shift in mood over the past couple of days or weeks, or altered temperament in the course of months, even years of strong personality traits can be changed for a healthy behavior change. Recovery and restoration are possible. Healing can happen. Realize human failings can be redeemed through a Higher Power. This promise can be fulfilled when you choose to accept the change. As previously mentioned, if you believe it, you can achieve it. The power of the mind can cure the body. Getting rid of the barriers or roadblocks to restore soulful and spiritual energy is the road less traveled, but the one needed to take to get to the vitalicious life worth living.

Looking for more? Peruse Chapter 3: Collage of Crushing Events of ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’

Photo by BJ Shores

Dr. Jaime L. Pula is the author of her best-selling book titled, ‘Rise Above: A Playbook On How-To Keep Energy Flowing.’ She can be reached at And she enjoys connecting on LI at:

[1] Wilczek, F. (2015). Einstein’s parable of quantum insanity. Scientific American. Retrieved on the worldwide web on November 7, 2021, at: